NAR Ethics Training Cycle

Members of the National Association of REALTORS® are required to complete periodic ethics training of not less than 2 hours and 30 minutes of instructional time once every three years. Associations of REALTORS® are required to provide access to such programs to members either on their own, in conjunction with other Associations, or through some other method (such as home study, correspondence, or internet-based online courses). Any course offered by an Association, regardless of format, must meet the learning objectives and minimum criteria for such courses as established by the National Association of REALTORS® from time to time.

Code of Ethics Training Cycles

Below are the cycle dates for the Code of Ethics Training Requirement. Training must be completed at any time during these established cycles.

Failure to complete training during any cycle will lead to suspension of membership for January and February immediately following the cycle deadline, with the termination of membership starting March 1 after the cycle deadline.

Current Cycle

January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027


Check your status

Existing members wishing to fulfill the Code of Ethics Training Requirement can take the free course in person at NCMAR or online at the Free Existing Member Course.